Ben je klaar om te ontdekken waar je staat in sleutelkwesties die Vlaanderen en de Europese Unie beïnvloeden? Probeer de quiz "Hoe Marta Ben Jij? Ontdek Jouw Politieke Match", waarmee je kunt meten hoe nauw jouw politieke opvattingen aansluiten bij die van Marta Barandiy, een dynamische kandidaat die streeft naar liberalisering van de toekomst van het Europees Parlement.

It is striking how both Russia and China use the same narratives in their “cognitive war" against the West. Taiwanese activists and officials have shared their experience fighting Chinese interference in the recent presidential elections in Taiwan during an open discussion in the European Parliament hosted by Petras Austrevicius.

As promised in my previous discussion, I’m here to share insights from my own entrepreneurial journey. Back in 2018, I took the leap and established my first consulting firm. This was a significant moment, especially when Asters, the largest law firm in Ukraine, offered me the opportunity to represent them in Belgium.