Academia December 10, 2012

Sovereignty as a Guarantee of the Interests of States

English: Sovereignty as a Guarantee of the Interests of States: International Law and European Law Aspects

German: Souveränität als Gewährleistung der Interessen der Staaten: Völkerrechtliche und europarechtliche Aspekte


“Die modernen internationalen Beziehungen zeichnen sich durch Prozesse aus, die zu starker Interdependenz der Staaten führen. Dadurch entsteht bei Staatsvertretern die Befürchtung, dass die Souveränität von Staaten langsam verlorengeht…”

(Translation: Modern international relations are characterized by processes that lead to strong interdependence among states. This creates fears among state representatives that state sovereignty is gradually being lost…)


“Souveränität als Gewährleistung der Interessen der Staaten: Völkerrechtliche und europarechtliche Aspekte” explores the evolving concept of state sovereignty in the context of increasing interdependence among nations. The book delves into how international organizations and supranational entities like the European Union impact national sovereignty and the legal frameworks that govern these relationships.

Key Themes

  • State Sovereignty: Examining the traditional and modern notions of sovereignty.
  • International Law: Analyzing the role of international law in shaping state sovereignty.
  • European Union Law: Understanding how EU law interacts with and influences national legal systems.
  • Interdependence: Discussing the implications of global interdependence for state sovereignty.
  • Practical Enforcement: Exploring the practical aspects of enforcing sovereignty in international and European contexts.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Theoretical Foundations of Sovereignty
  3. Impact of International Organizations on Sovereignty
  4. European Union and Member State Sovereignty
  5. Sovereignty in the Context of the Euro Crisis
  6. Legal and Practical Aspects of Sovereignty Enforcement
  7. Case Studies and Comparative Analysis
  8. Conclusion

Critical Acclaim

Available for purchase on Amazon

This book addresses the modern international relations dynamics characterized by strong interdependence among states, which raises concerns about the gradual loss of state sovereignty. It explores the role of international organizations that sometimes exercise sovereignty-like powers, potentially gaining sovereignty over member states. The study also touches on the relevance of state sovereignty in the context of the Euro crisis and the adoption of the Six-Pack legislation. It aims to define the role of self-determination for states and examines international law, European law aspects, and practical enforcement of sovereignty.


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