

Submission to Tyranny

From submission tyrannies arise,  
They arise from us not thinking wise, 
From the values we in crises compromise, 
Letting those in power improvise. 
All the crises are improvisation ground; 
For abuse of power the submission's paramount; 
When abuse of power reach atrocities' amount, 
Then we put them all on the tyranny’s account.

Commercial is political

Powerful’s vanity slams powerless’ sanity.
Those, never critical, are hypocritical:
Commercial publicity – is always political. 
Big corporations’ historical revelations 
Show that spending for lobbying -
Responsible for millions’ sobbing. 
Big firms sponsor political candidates - 
So, future “presidents” works for their benefits.


Missing the point or not willing kneeing

One person financing international organization 
That has a monopoly on all types of information
Concerning the sphere that suddenly got domination
Over the freedom and life of every sovereign nation?
All the elites supporting this notion.
No one resists this ideas' promotion.
What is it that I am not seeing?
Missing the point or not willing kneeing?


Challenge the rules

The rules you accept as outstanding 
To help you not die "from the virus",
The others are not understanding:
The humans are not just the bodies.
The ministers led by virologists   
Are not properly challenged.
If they involved the psychologists,
Decisions would be better balanced.
Executive power must stay within limits, 
Must not trade the fears with the freedoms. 
Destruction of rights, basic for humans, 
Your children will just not forgive us. 


The Great Reset

All the crises have emerged
From an “unfair, unjust” world, 
From the freedom to elect 
Those whose task was to detect 
The abusers of the power,
Their temptation to forever
Deprive people of control – 
Increase governmental role.
Last election was a race
To put people in the place
Who could suddenly decide
To set liberties aside.


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